What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is the oldest and most widely known of the world's important fraternal organisations. Its high ethical and moral standards and values support its claim to be an organisation of excellence which counts for something in today's society. Freemasonry is a way of life; it is more than just another friendly society or social club.

What are its aims?

Freemasonry is an organisation formed to join together in friendship men of integrity and good will from all walks of life. It sets high standards of behaviour to be maintained in daily life, so providing an example to the community.

The sustained practice of Freemasonry provides significant and rewarding opportunities for self-development and community service.

Who are Freemasons?

Freemasons are men of character and substance with high ideals and worthwhile values who can make a difference in the community. In short they are citizens of quality and good reputation who have taken up Freemasonry because they believe that what they do in their Lodges improves their character and enhances their value to their fellows.

What is a Lodge?

The basic membership group of Masons is called a Lodge. Whilst some Lodges attract members with specific social, professional or work-related backgrounds there are, in general, no hard and fast rules limiting admission to any Lodge.

Commonly new members join Lodges to which their nominators belong, usually on the basis of established acquaintance.

Lodges are presided over by the Master who is usually elected to serve for a 12 month term. Most Lodge meetings are held monthly. At these meetings new members may be admitted or advanced to a higher rank or such other business conducted as the Master shall determine.

Lodges operate under a warrant of constitution from the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, in accordance with the regulations for the Government of the Craft contained in the constitutions of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory and the Lodge's own by-laws.

Freemasons of Lodge Balgowlah