Launch of the Bushfire Appeal

Bushfire Disaster Relief Appeal

Dear Brethren,

Today the Grand Master, MW Bro Derek Robson AM, launched a Disaster Appeal for victims of the devastating bush fires in NSW.

The Grand Master said, in his Press Release, “that this is the worst fire disaster that NSW has experienced in the last decade with estimated losses of up to 100 homes and countless damage and destruction to other property”. He added that “Freemasons are a charitable fraternity with thousands of members right across NSW, with many living in the communities that have been affected by this disastrous start to the fire season”.

The Chairman of the Grand Charity – Masonicare – RW Bro Andrew Fraser MP, PDGM, was also pleased to announce that the NSW Freemasons Disaster Relief Fund is contributing $50,000 immediately to the Appeal and would ask that all fellow Freemasons who can afford to do so, make a personal contribution to the Appeal.

Bro Fraser said “It is in crises like this that Masonicare and Freemasonry can assist not only their own members, but also other people who have been affected by this disaster”.

The Grand Master and the Chairman, Grand Charity, look forward to all Freemasons supporting this most worthwhile appeal.

Donations may be made in a number of ways. If wishing to donate by cheque, it should be made payable to the ‘Disaster Relief Fund’ and posted to Freemasons NSW & ACT, PO Box A259, Sydney South NSW 1235. Alternatively, donations may be made by telephoning Freemasons NSW & ACT on (02) 9284 2800 and providing credit card details.


Kevin McGlinn PDGM
Grand Secretary

The United Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT
Ph: +61 2 9284 2800
Fax: +61 2 9284 2828

Sydney Masonic Centre
279 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000
PO Box A259, Sydney South NSW 1235